Value added Programs |
Rapid Rejuvenate -A Silhouette for Eminence
Kinesiology - Fathoming the dynamics of Kinetics
Holistic Health - New evolution in patient care
Ethics in Health Research
Chromatographic Applications in Medicine
Diagnostic Utility of Electrophoresis
Basics of special stains and its application in the study of normal tissue
Tackling Antimicrobial Resistance – Bench to Bedside
Biomedical innovations, AI , innovative hand models in Otorhinolaryngology
Scientific writing
Surgical Exposures of Upper Limb and Lower Limb in Anatomic Specimens
How to handle crisis situation - crisis resource management (CRM)
Fetal Imaging- Fundamentals to Advances
Forensic anthropolgy
Advance dermatosurgical procedures
Advanced cardiac and basic life support
Medical Humanities
Virtual treatment planning IMPLANT dentistry
Surgical Endodontics
Music therapy
Introduction to Dental 3D imaging
Clinical Endodontics
Comprehensive Aesthetic Dentistry
Biochemical techniques
Kannada sanskrit
Holistic Wellness
Basics of Pharmacovigilance
Basics of Materiovigilance
Clinical Pharmacy & Clinical Trials
e-CTD hands on training
Bio printing in life sciences
Futuristic Pharma through Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality (ARVR): Pharma 4.0
Hands-on training on Isolation and storage of extracellular vesicles
Genome mining tools
Isolation and Purification of Phytochemicals using flash chromatography
Quality Manufacturing, life skills and industrial orientation
Applied Pharmacokinetics
Orientation for Profession skills
Hands on Training on HPLC - module I
Basics and instrumentation of LC-MS/MS for analysis of Pharmaceuticals
Pre-Clinical Studies
Design of Preclinical Experiments
Formulation development & operation control
GMP audit requirements for pharmaceutical industries
Statistical approach based formulation development
Modern Techniques in cellular biology
Basic training in aseptic handling techniques
Application of computational tools in molecular biology
Basic Techniques in Chemistry, Characterization of Compounds, Computer Aided Drug Design
Advanced Drug Chemistry
Herbal Formulation Development
Theory and Practice of Bioequivalence Studies
Tools and Techniques in Transcriptomics
Basics of Remote sensing, GIS & Global Navigation Satellite system
Geographic Information Systems (GIS)
Molecular Mechanisms and Techniques
Statistical Analysis using SPSS and R
Mushroom Cultivation
Nutrition for Weight Management
Bioinformatics Tools & Databases
Application of Ionizing Radiation
Nutrition, Immunity & Infection
Personality Enhancement
Biochemistry of Phyto nutraceuticals
Management of Agricultural Waste
Biomedical Waste Management
Hospital administartion for dental Interns
Healthcare Information Technology
Beyond practicals
Entrepreneurial skills for MBA
Soft skill and personality development program
Research Methodology Workshop for MBA students
How to handle crisis situation - crisis resource management (CRM).
Digital pathology
Virtual treatment palnning & 3D printing in Implant dentistry
Combined Cognitive Dental Ergonomics
Introduction to 3D imaging
Hands on training in basics of Clinical Research
Hands-on LC and GC Training Course
Quality Control and Quality Assurance of Pharmaceuticals
Basic Techniques in Chemistry, Charactarization of Compounds, Computer Aided Drug Design
Introduction to Bioinformatics Tools
Entrepreneurial skills workshop for MBA
Orientation Programme and Essential Clinical Skills Workshop
Basic Course on Arthroscopy of Knee and Shoulder
Cognitive Dental Ergonomics
Kannada & sanskruthi
Nutrition, Immunity and Infection
Persona Enhancement
Hospital Administration for Dental Interns
Foundation course on research methodology workshop for MSc students
Enhancing Soft skills
Extraction and isolation Techniques
Basic Techniques in Quality Control of Herbs
Statistical Modelling using SPSS and R
Soft Skills for Genetics & Molecular Research
Advanced cardiac life support ACLSBLS
Orientation Program and essential clinical skills workshop
Temperature and Humidity Mapping
Pharmaceutical Validation
Hands on training on plants identification and Herbarium preparation
Skin Care Cosmetics
Recent trends in remote sensing and GIS application in carbon forestry