Internationalisation and Collaboration Division- JSSCPO

In today's interconnected world, international collaboration has become vital for our institution- JSS College of Pharmacy Ooty, to stay at the forefront of research, education, and innovation. Embracing internationalization not only enriches the overall learning experience for students but also fosters collaboration that can significantly contribute to the advancement of pharmaceutical sciences and global health. The key points of the ICD team of our college to pursue the following targets.

  • Global Partnerships and Research Collaboration: Internationalization opens doors to forge global partnerships and collaborations with renowned universities, research institutions, and pharmaceutical companies across the globe. Through joint research projects and exchange programs, faculty members and students have the opportunity to work with experts from different countries, bringing diverse perspectives and knowledge to their work. Such collaborations accelerate scientific discoveries, encourage innovation, and address global health challenges collaboratively.
  • Student Exchange Programs: JSS College of Pharmacy Ooty actively pursue internationalization to often establish student exchange programs with partner universities. These programs enable students to experience a different academic environment, culture, and healthcare system. Immersing in a foreign setting helps students develop a global mind set, cross-cultural communication skills, and an appreciation for diverse healthcare practices. Additionally, international exposure broadens students' horizons and fosters a sense of global citizenship.
  • Faculty Development and Training: International collaboration extends beyond students and includes faculty members as well. Through faculty exchange programs, professors can engage in training workshops, seminars, and conferences in foreign institutions. Exposure to diverse teaching methods and research practices enhances their expertise, which they can then integrate into their own teaching and research, elevating the quality of education and academic offerings at our college.
  • Joint Degree Programs: JSS College of Pharmacy Ooty is focussing to explore joint degree programs with international institutions. These programs allow students to earn degrees from both institutions, combining the strengths and expertise of each. Joint degree programs not only attract students from diverse backgrounds but also provide them with a unique educational experience, increasing their competitiveness in the global job market.
  • International Conferences and Symposia: Participating in international conferences and symposia provides students and faculty with a platform to present their research, network with experts, and exchange ideas. These events encourage the dissemination of knowledge, facilitate collaborations, and lay the groundwork for future research projects and partnerships. We also act as hosts to the partners in organising such similar programmes.

In conclusion, the internationalization activities significantly enrich collaboration and contribute to the overall growth and development of the institution. Through global partnerships, student and faculty exchange programs, joint degree offerings, and participation in international conferences, JSS College of Pharmacy Ooty can foster a culture of openness, diversity, and innovation. By embracing internationalization, we can prepare their students to become globally competent pharmacists who are well-equipped to address the challenges of the ever-evolving pharmaceutical landscape and make meaningful contributions to global health.


Dr S P Dhanabal

Mr B Shivaramakrishnan

Dr S N Meyyanathan

Mr Murugappan